About me in English

Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Audronė Janužytė


Institute of Management and political Science

Ateities  st. 20

LT-08303 Vilnius


E-mail: audrone_januzyte@mruni.eu

Graduated from the Central European University (CEU) and Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest in 1993 (M.A.). In 2005 I defended my doctoral dissertation  Historians as Nation State-Builders and Their Influence on the Formation of Lithuanian University from 1904 to 1922 (University of Tampere, Finland). (Supervisor of doctoral dissertation Professor Marjatta Hietala, Department of History at the University of Tampere, the examiner of manuscript and opponent of doctoral dissertation Professor Miroslav Hroch of Charles University in Prague).

Together with opponents and supervisor of Ph.D. From the left to the right: Opponents: Professor Emerita Aira Kemiläinen of the University of Jyväskylä and Professor Miroslav Hroch of Charles University in Prague, supervisor Professor Marjatta Hietala of the University of Tampere

Together with opponents and supervisor of Ph.D. From the left to the right: Opponents: Professor Emerita Aira Kemiläinen of the University of Jyväskylä and Professor Miroslav Hroch of Charles University in Prague, supervisor Professor Marjatta Hietala of the University of Tampere

The doctoral dissertation examines the formation of Lithuanian state at the beginning of the 20th century. Lithuanian historians had a key role in this process. The author analyses the concepts and views of Lithuanian historians in relations to issues of nationalism in the re-establishing statehood in Lithuania. The creation of the Lithuanian university is discussed as a manifestation of this new nation state. The questions explored include what kind of university was necessary for the newly established state (should the university be Catholic or secular? Was it necessary to form the university for the needs of the society or for national purposes? What should the language of studies at the university be; should the university be national or international?) and; in what way the international cooperation of historians influenced the formation of the University of Lithuania.

Present and past affiliations

Since 2006 and 2007 I have been working as a lecturer and an Associate Professor in the Department/Institute of Political Science of the Faculty of Strategic Management and Policy/ Politics and Management/Public Management at Mykolas Romeris University.
In 1985–2007 I worked in the Faculty of History at Vilnius Pedagogical Institute/University. Between 1995 and 2007 I was a secretary in charge of the editorial board of History, a collection of Lithuanian universities’ research papers.

Experience of work as an expert

December 2013–Present

International project Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) (Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden; the Kellogg Institute at the University of Notre Dame, USA; the Department of Political Science at Lund University, Sweden; and the Department of Political Science at Boston University, USA), expert of Lithuania. See. https://www.v-dem.net/en/

September 2013–Present

The Education Exchanges Support Foundation, expert. See. http://smpf.lt/en

January 2007–Present

The International Research Database Lituanistika, expert. See. https://www.lituanistikadb.lt/en/


Assessment of new master study program, expert of Centre for Quality Assessment of Higher Education. See. http://www.skvc.lt/default/en/

Participation in the projects

International project Cities and Transnational Interaction. The Cultural Contacts between West and East European Urban Centres during and beyond the Cold War, head of project  Prof. Marjatta Hietala (University of Tampere, School of Humanities and Social Sciences and Cold War Research Group-Consortium of the Aleksanteri Institute, funded by the Academy of Finland), Finland, 2010–2013, research fellow, (see. http://www.uta.fi/yky/citiesandinteraction/index.html)

National project Mokymo ir metodinės studijos: Etninės / tautinės mažumos tolerancijos / netolerancijos / ksenofobijos požiūriu (Methodology study: Tolerance, intolerance, and xenophobia: attitudes towards the ethnic and national minorities), founded by Open Society Fund Lithuania, Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University, 2008–2009, research fellow.

International project Scholars, Science Universities and Networks as Factors Making Cities Attractive (a long-term analysis in an international context) (Head of project Professor Marjatta Hietala, University of Tampere, funded by the Academy of Finland), 2002–2007, research fellow. See. http://www15.uta.fi/yky/arkisto/historia/attractivecities/english/overview.html

Trends of research

Theories and conceptions of Nationalism, nationalism issues in Europe, conflicts, foreign policy, EU enlargement and integration, higher education in Europe.

The previous and current subjects taught at universities

Mykolas Romeris University

Economic, Political, and Defensive Integration of Europe and Asia; International Relations; Political System of the European Union; Management of International Conflicts; Discussion seminars: political and economic challenges of international relations; Democratization in post-Soviet Countries; Policy of Sustainable Development; Political and National Conflict Studies; EU Foreign and External Policies; EU Integration and Europeanization; The European Identity; Contemporary Theories of Ethnicity and Nationalism; Regional Research and Regions of Eastern Europe and South Caucasus; Methods of Regional Research; Scientific Work and Master Thesis; Middle class of Lithuania; EU institutions and administration (Erasmus); History of Lithuania: Nation, Culture and Traditions (Erasmus); Politics and Culture of Lithuania (Erasmus).

Vilnius Pedagogical Institute/University

Modern History; History of Central Europe; Nationalism and Statehood in Central Europe; Life Style of Middle Class; History of Lithuania (Socrates/Erasmus).

Lithuanian University of Educology / Vytautas Magnus University

Lietuvos istorija / History of Lithuania (for teachers of Lithuanian schools in abroad and foreign students)

Teaching at universities abroad

27–31 March 2023. University of Florence (Erasmus+)

1–31 March, 2010. Institute of Political Science, University of Lyon (contract).

1–15 December, 2006. University of Tampere (Sokrates / Erasmus).

17–30 May, 2005. University of Tampere (Sokrates / Erasmus).

8 March–7 April, 2004. University of Tampere (Sokrates / Erasmus).

7–30 October, 2002. University of Tampere (Sokrates / Erasmus).

1 January–30 June, 1995. Universities of Joensuu, Turku, and Helsinki (the Finnish Centre for International Mobility (CIMO)).

Membership in national and international organisations

2020–Present. Lithuanian Sociological Society, member.

2019–2020. “Horizon 2020“ expert (EX2019D353297). Europa / Funding & Tenders Portal notification. https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/home

2013–Present. Lithuanian Political Science Association, member.

2007–Present. European Platform of Women Scientists (EPWS), member.


Historians as Nation State-Builders: the Formation of Lithuanian University 1904–1922. Studies in European Societies and Politics: Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, Tampere: University of Tampere, 2005, 367 pp. Žr. http://tampub.uta.fi/handle/10024/67487

With Asadauskienė, Nelė eds. Lietuva ir pasaulis: bendradarbiavimas ir konfliktas (Lithuania and World: Cooperation and Conflict). Vilnius: Vaga, 2000, 256 pp.

Žiemos karas ir Lietuva (dokumentų rinkinys)= Talvisota ja Liettua (dokumenttien kokoelma)= Winter War and Lithuania (Collection of Documents). Vilnius: Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto leidykla, 1997, 135 pp.

With Gaigalaitė, Aldona, eds. Žemės reforma Lietuvoje 1922. Simno-Kolesnykų dvaro išdalijimo ir naujakurių gavimo dokumentai (The Land Reform of 1922 in Lithuania. The Documents of Land Reform in the Estate of Simnas–Kolesnykai). Vilnius: VPU leidykla, 1997, 141 pp.


Lietuvos universitetas valstybei ar visuomenei, ar valstybei ir visuomenei? Istorija. 2022, vol. 128, no. 4, Vėluoja.

Mapping Different Models of Lithuanian Statehood in 1900–1910s. Vesture: Avoti un Cilveki = History: Sources and People. Daugavpils: Daugavpils University. 2022, [vol.] 25, p. 118–124.

Lietuvos piliečių parama Suomijai Žiemos kare, 1939 m. lapkričio 30 d. – 1940 m. kovo 12 d. Istorija. 2021, vol. 123, no. 3, p. 96–121. DOI: 10.15823/istorija.2021.123.4.

Polarising features of nationalism: the Cases of independent Lithuania in the 1930s, 2008–2009, and 2015. Socialinių mokslų studijos = Social sciences studies: mokslo darbai. 2021, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 48–67. DOI: 10.13165/SMS-21-12-1-03.

Uniting and polarising features of nationalism: the Case of independent Lithuania in 1918 and in the 1990s // Socialinių mokslų studijos = Societal studies: mokslo darbai. 2021, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 68–82. DOI: 10.13165/SMS-21-12-1-04.

Discussion on the “Question of Vilnius” in the early years of the 20th century“, in EAUH 2016: Reinterpreting cities : 13th international conference on Urban history, Helsinki, Finland 24–27 August, 2016: [electronic resources]. Helsinki: European Association for Urban History, 2016. p. 1–9.

“Students and professors’ resistance against the Soviet Regime in Lithuania in 1944–1990” = “Otpor studenata i profesora sovjetskom režimu u Litvaniji 1944–1990”, in LIMES plus: geopolitical magazine: cold war = LIMES plus: geopolitički časopis: Hladni rat. Beograd: HESPERIAedu, No. 1 (2013), pp. 41–55.

“The underground cooperation between Soviet Lithuania and the West in 1972–1990: a case study on the chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania”, in Valahian journal of historical studines. Târgoviste: “Grigore Gafencu” Research Center for the History of International Relations, 2013,vol. 20, pp. 89–107.

„Nacionaliniai ir tarptautiniai aukštojo mokslo ir studijų interesai Pirmosios Lietuvos respublikos laikotarpiu” (National and transnational scientific and educational interests in the period of the First Republic of Lithuania), in Socialinių mokslų studijos, 2013, nr. 5 (2), pp. 445–465.

„Between National and International Interests: The New University of Lithuania during the Interwar Period”, in Universities in Central Europe – Crossroads of Scholars from All Over the World: Conference Proceedings: CD, ed. by Milada Sekyrkova and Petr Cajthaml, Prague: Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University in Prague, 2012, pp. 195–205.

„Идея государственности в Литве в начале XX века: общее государство с Россией, с Польшей или с Белоруссией?” ( Idea of Statehood in Lithuania at the Beginning of the 20th Century: A Common State with Russia, with Poland or with Byelorussia?), in Полiтологiчнi та соцiологiчнi студiї: збiрник наукових праць, т. VIII: Україна, Бiлорусь, Польша та Литва: вiд колiзiй минулого до спiльних европейських цiнностей та перспектив спiвпрацi. Чернiвцi, Вiльнюс: Букрек, ЭГУ, 2010, с. 43–63.

„Lietuvos Respublikos aukštojo mokslo politika 1920-1922 m. :  ar Lietuvos Universitetas kuriamas dėl tautinės valstybės interesų ar dėl visuomenės poreikių?”  (Policy of Higher Education of the Republic of Lithuania from 1920 to1922: Was the University of Lithuania Established for the Interests of the Nation-State or the Public Needs?), in Florilegium Lithuanum : In honorem eximii professoris atque academici Lithuani domini Eugenii Jovaiša anniversarii sexagesimi causa dicatum. Vilnius : Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto leidykla, 2010.

„Tautinio Vilniaus universiteto klausimas lietuvių politikoje (1915 m. ruduo–1919 m. žiema)” (The Issue of Vilnius National University in the Lithuanian Policy (Autumn, 1915–Winter, 1919)), in Istorija, 2009, t. 73, pp. 3–16.

„Historians’ Discussion on Nationalism in the Early Years of the 20th Century”, in Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis XIV: Baltijos regiono istorija ir kultūra: Lietuva ir Lenkija. Socialinė istorija, kultūrologija = History and Culture of Baltic Region: Lithuania and Poland. Social History, Cultural Science, 2007, t. 14, pp. 119–132.

“Lietuvių istorikų politikų valstybingumo samprata (1907–1918 m.)” (the Concept of Statehood by Lithuanian Historians-Politicians (1907–1918), in Istorija, 2007, t. 65, pp. 12–25.

“Petras Klimas’ Concept of Nationalism”, in Istorija, 2005, t. 62, pp. 57–66, 98–99.
“Istorijos žurnalo praeitis, dabartis ir vizija” (Journal of History: Past, Present, and Vision), in Istoriko atsakomybė: straipsnių rinkinys. Vilnius: VPU leidykla, 2002, pp. 117–122.
“Сотрудничество историков Литвы и Латвии в 1918–1940 гг.” (the Cooperation of Lithuanian and Latvian Historians in 1918–1940), in XI Zinātnisko lasījumu materiāli: vēstures sekcija, Daugavpils: Saule, 2001, pp. 43–48.
“Tarptautinis Lietuvos istorikų bendradarbiavimas XX a. pradžioje” (the International Cooperation of Lithuanian Historians at the Beginning of Twenty Century), in Lietuva ir pasaulis: bendradarbiavimas ir konfliktas, sud. N. Asadauskienė, A. Janužytė. Vilnius: Vaga, 2000, pp. 213–230.
“Зимняя война и балтийские государства”(Winter War and the Baltic States), in VIII Zinatnisko lasijumu materiali. Daugavpils: Saule, 1999, pp. 8–12.

“Lituanistinė medžiaga Suomijos archyvuose: Lietuva ir Žiemos Karas” (Lithuanian Documents in the Archives of Finland: Lithuania and Winter War), in Lituanistika pasaulyje šiandien: darbai ir problemos. 3. Vilnius: Baltos Lankos, 1998, pp. 115–124.

“Historians and Political Changes in Lithuania after the Second World War”, in 50 Years After World War II. International Politics in the Baltic Sea Region 1945–1995. Gdansk: Gdansk University Press, 1997, pp. 161–165.
“Totalitarinės ideologijos vystymosi problemos” (The Problems of the Development of Totalitarian Ideology), in Socialinė sąmonė socialinių santykių humanizacijos procese: konferencijos medžiaga. Vilnius: VPU leidykla, 1989, pp. 42–45.

Teaching material

Europos ir Azijos politinė ir gynybinė integracija: paskaitų konspektas (Political and defence integration of Europe and Asia: syllabus): [electronic resources]. Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University, 2019, 44 pp. Access through internet:  https://vma.mruni.eu/course/view.php?id=8116

ES politinė sistema: paskaitų konspektas (Political system of the EU: syllabus): [electronic resources]. Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University, 2019, 38 pp. Access through internet:  https://vma.mruni.eu/course/view.php?id=8041#section-4

History of Lithuania: nation, culture, and traditions: paskaitų konspektas: [electronic resources]. Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University, 2019, 34 pp. Access through internet: https://vma.mruni.eu/course/view.php?id=9446

Tarptautiniai santykiai: paskaitų konspektas (International relations: syllabus): [electronic resources].  Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University, 2019, 32 pp. Access through internet: https://vma.mruni.eu/course/view.php?id=12756

With Janušauskienė, Diana, Mikėnė, Svajonė, Urbonaitė, Rima eds. Politikos mokslų institute rašomų magistro baigiamųjų darbų akademiniai principai (Academic principles on writing of master thesis in institute of political science): [electronic resources]. Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University, 2015. 18 pp. Access through internet: https://www.mruni.eu/mru_lt_dokumentai/institutai/politikos_mokslu_institutas/2015_11_16_Akademiniai_principai.pdf

Other publications

„Nauja knyga apie rokiškėnų partizanus: [recenzija: Uzdila, Vytautas Juozas. Rokiškėnų Gandis, Vilnius: Spauda, 2007, 209 p.]” (The New Book About Rokiškis Partisans: [Review: Uzdila, Vytautas Juozas. Rokiškėnų Gandis, Vilnius: Spauda, 2007, 209 pp.]), Socialinis ugdymas, 2007, nr. 3 (14), pp. 108–109.

„Активные методы преподавания истории в университете” (Active Methods of History Teaching in University), in Интеграция высшей и средней школы: создание единой образовательной среды: материалы VI международной научно-практической конференции, 12–13 апреля 2006 года, отв. ред. А. П. Клемешев. Калининград: РГУ им. И. Канта, 2007, с. 16–17

“Suomių vizitas Vilniaus pedagoginiame universitete” (Finnish Delegation’s Visit at Vilnius Pedagogical University), in Istorija, 2007, t. 66, pp. 80–81.
With Grigaravičiūtė, Sandra. “Aukštosios ir vidurinės mokyklos integracija: bendra švietimo sistema” (Educational System: Integration of Secondary and Higher Education), in Istorija, 2006, t. 63, p. 82.
Su Grigaravičiūtė, Sandra. “Lietuva ir Lenkija Baltijos regione” (Lithuania and Poland in the Baltic Region), in Istorija, 2006, t. 63, pp. 83–84.

“Istorikų diskusija apie nacionalizmą 20 a. pradžioje = Historians’ Discussion on Nationalism in the Early Years of the 20th Century”, in Tarptautinė mokslinė konferencija „Baltijos regiono istorija ir kultūra: Lietuva ir Lenkija“: tezės = International Scientific Conference History and Culture of Baltic Region: Lithuania and Poland: abstracts, Klaipėdos universitetas, Baltijos regiono istorijos ir archeologijos institutas = Institute of Baltic Sea Region History and Archaeology, Klaipėda University, 2006 m. birželio 8–10 d. = June 08–10, 2006. Klaipėda: Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla, 2006, pp. 83–84.
“Istorija, Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų mokslo darbai” (History, a collection of Lithuanian universities’ research papers), in Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija. Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidybos institutas. 2005, t. 8, p. 320.
With others, eds. Istorijos žodynas (Dictionary of History). Vilnius: Vaga, 2003, 434 pp.
“Testai 9–12 klasėms” (Tasks for Years 7–12), in Gimtoji istorija. Nuo 7 iki 12 klasės: Lietuvos istorijos vadovėlis, red. ir sud. E. Jovaiša. Vilnius: Elektroninės leidybos namai, 2002; 2-as leidimas, 2003.

“Aldona Gaigalaitė. Bibliografinė rodyklė 1952–2002 m.; Sudarius profesorės bibliografiją” (Bibliography of Aldona Gaigalaitė, 1952–2002), in Gaigalaitė, Aldona. Į savę ir istoriją pažvelgus. Vilnius: Vaga, 2002, pp. 245–285; 243–244.
“Monografijos „Lietuvos užsienio reikalų ministrai 1918–1940“ pristatymas” (Review of Monograph Ministers of Lithuanian Foreign Affairs), in Istorija, 2001, t. 49–50, pp. 118–119.
“Atverstas naujas puslapis Lietuvos tautinių mokyklų istoriografijoje” (The New Page in the Historiography of Lithuanian Schools), in Istorija, 2000, t. 44, pp. 46–47.
With Baranauskaitė, Jolanta; Škirkaitė, Edita. “Stendinis pranešimas kaip aktyvus istorijos mokymosi metodas” (A Stand report as an Active Method of Teaching History), in III tarptautinės konferencijos „Istorijos mokymo aktualijos vidurinėje ir aukštojoje mokykloje“ pranešimai. Vilnius, 2000, pp. 83–86.
“K. Avižonio skaitymai” (Readings of K. Avižonis), in Istorija, 1999, t. 39, pp. 86–87.
„Mokslinė konferencija „Lietuvos atgimimas vasario 16-osios šviesoje” (Conference: National Revival of Lithuania), in Istorija, 1999, t. 39, p. 82.
“Stasys Antanas Bačkis – Lietuvos Respublikos diplomatas” (Stasys Antanas Bačkis – Diplomat of Lithuania’s Republic), in Bačkis S. A. Lietuvos diplomatinė tarnyba (1940 06 15–1990 03 11). Vilnius: VPU leidykla, 1999, pp. 3–4, 48.
“Tarptautinė mokslinė konferencija „VIII moksliniai skaitymai“ Daugpilyje” (VIII Scientific Readings in Daugapils), in Istorija, 1999, t. 39, p. 81.
“Dependency or Independence: The Emergence of a Modern Society in Lithuania”, in Second Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe “Values and Norms of Society in Change”. Abstracts, 1997, August 20–23, Vilnius, p. 93.

Su Pukienė, Vida. “Konferencija Lietuvių draugijos nukentėjusiems dėl karo šelpti 80–mečiui paminėti” (The 80 Years Jubilee Conference of Lithuanian Society to Aid War Victims), in Istorija, 1996, t. 34, pp. 184–186.
“Lietuviai istorikai emigracijoje po Antrojo pasaulinio karo” (Emigration of Lithuanian Historians after the Second World War), in IX Pasaulio Lietuvių Mokslo ir Kūrybos Simpoziumas. 9th Lithuanian Symposium on Arts and Sciences. November 22–25, 1995. Vilnius: Vilniaus Pedagoginis Universitetas, 1995, p. 267.

Reports in international and national conferences:

Report: “How did they become dissidents? Cases of Aleksandras Štromas and Tomas Venclova“. In international conference: XXXIII Zinātniskie Lasījumi = XXXIII Scientific readings. Daugpilis: Daugpilio universitetas. January 26–27, 2023.

Report: „Lietuvos studentų tarptautinis judumas 1919–1940 m.: studijos Prancūzijoje“. In international conference: Culture et politique du monde francophone / „Frankofoniškojo pasaulio kultūra ir politika. VDU: Frankfonijos šalių centras, March 3, 2022.

Report: “Disagreements and compromises over the University of Lithuania in the 1920s“. In international conference: XXXII Zinātniskie Lasījumi = XXXII Scientific readings. Daugpilis: Daugpilio universitetas. January 27–28, 2022.

Report: „Lietuvos universitetas: valstybei ar valstybei ir visuomenei? In XIII Lietuvos sociologų draugijos konferencija „Visuomenė, regionai, transformacijos: ar turime scenarijus ateičiai? XIII Lietuvos sociologų draugijos konferencijos programa. Lietuvos sociologų draugija. 2022, p. 1.

Report: “Mapping Different Models of Lithuanian Statehood in 1900–1910s.“ In international conference: XXXI Zinātniskie Lasījumi = XXXI Scientific readings. Daugpilis: Daugpilio universitetas. January 28–29, 2021.

Report: „Lietuvių ir lenkų santykiai nepriklausomoje Lietuvoje: konfliktai ir kompromisai dėl teritorijos, kalbos ir švietimo politikos“ = Lithuanian and Polish Relations in Independent Lithuania: Conflicts and Compromises over Territory, Language, and Education Policy. In Sociologija ir gerovės valstybė šiuolaikinėje Lietuvoje. XII Lietuvos sociologų draugijos konferencija skirta Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atkūrimo 30-mečiui. November 27, 2020, nuotolinė konferencija: santraukų knyga Vilnius: Lietuvos socialinių tyrimų centras, Lietuvos sociologų draugija. 2020, p. 73.

Report: “Some aspects of debates and disagreements among the Lithuanians and Polish in independent Lithuania“. In International interdisciplinary conference on social innovations Sustainability in the face of the global crisis (SOCIN‘2020). Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio universitetas. October 14, 2020.

Plenary report: “Independence agenda of 1918: the case of Lithuania”. In international conference: 1918 in Lithuania and Poland from a modern perspective. Central and Eastern Europe: history, politics and culture. Vilnius: Vytautas Magnus University, Mykolas Romeris University, University of Warsaw, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania. June 20–21, 2018. See. Program: https://www.lnb.lt/naujienos/3224-birzelio-20-21-d-tarptautine-konferencija-1918-metai-lietuvoje-ir-lenkijoje-is-dabartines-vidurio-ir-rytu-europos-perspektyvos-istorija-politika-kultura

Report: “Specialeatures of nationalism in Lithuania during periods of 1918–1940 and 1990–2016”. In 5th international interdisciplinary conference: Social innovations: theoretical and practical insights (SOCIN 2016). Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University. September 29, 2016. See. E Stream: Continuation and Change of Values: http://socin2016.mruni.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/PROGRAMME_2016-09-27-2.pdf

Report: “Discussions on the question of Vilnius in the early years of the 20th century”. In 13th international conference on urban history: EAUH 2016: Reinterpreting cities. Helsinki: University of Helsinki. August 24–27, 2016. See. Session M28: https://eauh2016.net/

Report: “Specialeatures of nationalism: cases of the First and Second Republic of Lithuania”. In international conference: Europe, nations, and insecurity: challenges to identities. Vytautas Magnus University/Association for the Study of Nationalities. June 30–July 2, 2016. See. Panel 8, session 2: http://pmdf.vdu.lt/en/asn-kaunas/

Report: “Pilietiškumo į Sovietų Sąjungos karinę agresiją prieš Suomiją raiškos atvejai Lietuvoje (1939 m. lapkritis–1940 m. kovas)“ (Cases on public activities during the period of the USSRS aggression against Finland (November 1939–March 1940)). In conference: Žiemos karas – Talvisota ir jo pamokos (The Winter War – Talvisota and its lessons). Kaunas: Kauno įgulos karininkų ramovė. December 11, 2014.

Report: “Diskusijos dėl lietuvių tapatybės 20 a. pr.: modernių tautų formavimosi objektyvūs ir subjektyvūs veiksniai” (Discussions on Lithuanian identity: objective and subjective factors of modern nations). In conference: Lietuvos lenkai: tolesnė santykių raida (Lithuanian Poles: Lithuanian-Polish relations in future). Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris university. June 6, 2014.

Report: “Collaborate and conform or resist against the Soviet regime in Lithuania in 1944–1990: a case study on resistance of students and professors”. In 11th international conference on urban history: EAUH 2012: Cities and societies in comparative perspective. Prague: Charles University in Prague. August 19–September 1, 2012. See. Session: M47: Cities and the Cold War: http://www.eauh2012.com/sessions/

Report: “Dissident movement against Communist ideology in Soviet Lithuania in the 1970s–1990s”. In 9th international conference: Old and new: past, present, and future of the post-communist world. Warsaw: University of Warsaw. 15–18 July, 2012. See. http://www.studium.uw.edu.pl/upload/files/WEEC%202012%20short.pdf

Report: “The underground political and cultural interaction between Soviet Lithuania and Western European Countries in 1944–1990“. In international conference: East-West cultural exchanges and the Cold War. Jiuveskiula: University of Jiuveskiula (Finland). 14–16 June, 2012. See. http://culturalcoldwar.blogspot.com/2011/08/conference-aims.html

Report: “Nacionaliniai ir tarptautiniai mokslo ir studijų interesai Pirmosios Lietuvos Respublikos laikotarpiu“ (National and international interests of science and studies during the period of the First Republic of Lithuania). In conference: Kas yra Europa? Europos tapatumo klausimai tarpdisciplininėje perspektyvoje (What is Europe? Questions on the European identity in interdisciplinary perspective). Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University. May 25, 2012.

Report: “Resistance of students and professors in Lithuania in 1944–1990”. In international conference: Challenging the shadow of the Iron Curtain. Belgrade: University of Belgrade. 24–28 October, 2011.

Report: “Between national and international interests: the new university of Lithuania during the interwar period”. In international conference: Universities in Central Europe – crossroads of scholars from all over the world. Prague: Charles University in Prague. 29 September–1 October, 2011. See. http://dvt.hyperlink.cz/uce/

Report: “Soviet cultural and educational politics and Western influences in the Baltic cities: Vilnius city case”. In international seminar: Exchanges through the Iron Curtain. Tampere: University of Tampere. November 29, 2010.

Report: “Lietuvos Vyriausybės neutralumo politika ir piliečių pozicija Žiemos karo metu: likti neutraliems ar padėti Suomijai?” (Neutrality policy of the Lithuanian government and position of citizens during the period of the Winter War: stay neutral or support Finland?). In conference Žiemos karas – Talvisota, skirta Žiemos karo pabaigos 70-mečiui paminėti (The Winter War – Talvisota. Commemorating of 70th anniversary of the end of the Winter War). Kaunas: Vytautas Magnus military museum of. May 24–26, 2010.

Report: “Lietuvos vyriausybės ir piliečių pozicijos Žiemos karo metu” (Positions of Lithuanian government and citizens during the period of the Winter War). In international seminar: Commemorating of 70th anniversary of the end of the Winter War). Vilnius: Vilnius Pedagogical University. March 25, 2010.

Plenary report: “Idea of statehood in Lithuania at the beginning of the 20th century: a common state with Russia, with Poland or with Byelorussia?” In international conference: Ukraine–Belarus–Poland and Lithuania: through collisions of historical past to new prospects of cooperation. Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi National University (Ukraine). 17–18 April, 2008.

Report: “Historians’ discussion on nationalism in the early years of the 20th century”. In international conference: History and culture of Baltic Region: Lithuania and Poland. Klaipėda: University of Klaipėda. 8–10 June, 2006.

Report: “Активные методы преподавания истории в университете” (Active methods of history teaching in university). In international conference: Интеграция высшей и средней школы: создание единой образовательной среды (Integration of higher and secondary schools: formation of united system of education). Kaliningrad: Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. 12–13 April, 2006.

Report: “Istorijos“ žurnalo praeitis, dabartis ir vizija” (Past, present and visions of journal of the Istorija). In international conference: Responsibility of historian. Vilnius: Vilnius Pedagogical University. October 18, 2001.

Report: “Сотрудничество историков Литвы и Латвии в 1918–1940 гг.” (Cooperation of Lithuanian and Latvian historians in 1918–1940). In international conference: XI Zinātniskie lasījumi (XI scientific reading). Daugavpils: Pedagogical Institute of Daugavpils (Latvia). 25–26 January, 2001.

Report: “Tarptautinis Lietuvos istorikų bendradarbiavimas XX a. pradžioje” (International cooperation of Lithuanian historians at the beginning of the 20th century). In international conference: Lithuania and world: cooperation and conflict. Vilnius: Vilnius Pedagogical University. October 14–16, 1999.

Report: “Changes in Lithuanian historiography after the Second World War”. In 3th international conference on Baltic studies in Europe: The Baltic countries under Occupation: Soviet and Nazi Rule 1939–1991. Stockholm: University of Stockholm. 17–20 June, 1999.

Report: “Winter War and the Baltic States”. In international conference: VIII Zinātniskie lasījumi (VIII scientific reading). Daugavpils: Pedagogical Institute of Daugavpils (Latvia). 30 January, 1998.

Report: “Changes in Lithuanian historiography after the Second World War”. In international conference: International politics in the Baltic sea region 1945–1995: 50 years after World War II. Gdansk: University of Gdansk. 24–31 September, 1995.